Ethical Management


  • We hear corporate ethics a lot from media outlets. What exactly is corporate ethics?
    A In general terms, ethics is the standard for judging right and wrong, good and evil, or moral and immoral values of an activity. When a company abides by its corporate ethics, its decisions are not only based on economical principles, but also on the premise of ethical judgments, and carrying out the work process in a fair and upright manner, even exceeding the standards of law.
  • What is the value which Nonghyup’s ethical management pursues?
    A The ethical management of Nonghyup sets its final goal of achieving the reasons for establishing the company; enhancing farmer’s economical, social, cultural stance, improving the quality of life through agricultural competitiveness for farmers, and contribute to balanced development of public economy.
  • What does Nonghyup’s ethics charter suggest
    A We have described our values and goals in our ethics charter. Also, the charter sets the responsibilities and obligations towards our stakeholders, and show 『 Who we are, What we do, What goals have we set, and What we believe in』. The ethics charter of Nonghyup depicts our ideology and visions, and also stipulate the values and standards which all employees should keep in mind.
  • What is Nonghyup’s Ethics Code?
    A The ethics code details the contents of the ethics charter, and specifies the basic directions which all employees should heed to. The ethics code of Nonghyup notes the responsibility toward our customers and the society, co-existence with partner companies, and basic ethics for every employee.
  • What are the details of Nonghyup’s Employee ‘sAction Code?
    A The Nonghyup’s Employee ‘sAction Code abides the ethics code, provides interpretation and case studies of our obligations and procedures, and documents specific action policies for employees on “What should employees do to abide by the corporate ethics?.”
  • Who are the managers related to duty in the Employee Action Code?
    A Managers related to duty is defined as an individual(including employees) or groups which can gain direct good or harm related to an individual employee managing one’s duties. The specific scope is listed in the Nonghyup Employee’s Action Code.